Cellular Universal Wireless Alarm Communicator
- Uses LTE network for highspeed, reliable and low-cost communications to an IP receiver
- Automatically switches to 3G (HSPA/HSPA+) if LTE service is not available
- Compatible with control panels that communicate using the Contact ID or SIA (300 baud) formats
- Full event reporting
- 4 on-board inputs with NC, NO or SEOL supervision
- 4 on-board outputs (open collector)
- Activation and initialization via web user or mobile interface provided by C24 Communications
- PTM (Panel Transmission Monitor) switches from PSTN to cellular on unsuccessful communication attempts
- Compatible with Sur-Gard System I-IP/II/III/IV/5 monitoring station receivers
- View communicator status directly from your mobile phone to support on-site or remote troubleshooting
- SMS command & control for panel arm/disarm
- PTM call routing to direct cellular signals to multiple receivers based on dialed number
- Advanced carrier selection to secure a suitable cellular connection
- Two unique trouble display models
Please visit www.dsc.com/lte for more information
Category: Cellular Universal Wireless Alarm Communicator
Find a distributor Frequently Asked Questions
3G4010 V4.0-LE4010 V5.0 Installation Guide
LTE Antenna Extension Kit - Installation Instructions
LE4010 Service Mode - Installation Manual - EN
LE4010-3G4010 V5.x Installation Manual EN
Marketing Materials
Technical Advisory Bulletins
Tyco | DSC - Technical Advisory Bulletin - Universal Alarm Communicators
Tyco | DSC - Technical Advisory Bulletin - Universal LTE - V5.06
JCI - DSC - Technical Advisory - 5.12 Software Release North America
JCI - DSC - Technical Advisory - Swinger Shutdown (EN)
LE4000/LE4010/LE4010CF 3G4000W v5.13 Firmware Release

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